Sunday, August 31, 2014

Print of the Week: Sock Monkeys

Hi everyone,
This week, I’m sharing my newest animal print:

The sock monkeys are now at the gallery or Zazzle:

You can find more of my original prints at the gallery locations:

More creations are on the way. Thank you for visiting and have a lovely week!


  1. Gotta love sock monkeys!! They brighten anyone's day!!
    Happy PPF :)

  2. Sock monkeys rule! Pretty sure of it! Happy PPF!

  3. Oh my gosh they are so fun. I love the colors you used. I especially like the lunch box!

    Thanks for sharing,
    xo Tam Hess
    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  4. Love Love Love the Ram, the Elephant and baby, the Teddy Bear and the Fish. Sock Monkey, cute. Blessings, Janet, PPF

  5. I LOVE your sock monkey couple. Blessings!

  6. I adore sock monkeys--I still have one from when I was a little girl. This piece is pure genius.
